. "N. E. Markoffs Erklärungen über die Fragen, die in der Abschrift (4-VI-I935), betreffend den Bernschen Prozesses, gestellt waren"@eng . . "1 electronic resource (31 pages)"@eng . . "The file contains a presentation of N. E. Markoff regarding an explanations of the questions raised in the transcript (4-VI-1935) concerning the Bern trial. Markoff (or Markov) was the leader of the Union of the Russian People (Soiuz russkogo naroda) and representative to the Russian State Duma; as an emigre, was active in monarchist and anti-Semitic activities, and edited the journals Dvuglavyi Orel and Mirovaia Sluzhba. In the Bern trail he helped Fleischhauer und Freyenwald to prove the authentecy of the 'Protocols' as it is shown in the attached file. His presentation is attached in German and French."@eng . "N. E. Markoffs Erklärungen über die Fragen, die in der Abschrift (4-VI-I935), betreffend den Bernschen Prozesses, gestellt waren"@eng . . . . .