"This article, published in the Warsaw Russian-language newspaper Varshavskoe Slovo, under the pseudonym\"Achero\", provides an outline of the life and work of Papus, a major figure in Russian occultism, at the anniversary of his death. The life of Papus and his arrival to the Russian court under the aegis of Dr. Philippe, another French occultist, is described, and his relationship with the Empress is explored. The article mentions, likewise, the power struggles between him and Dr. Philippe, and the involvement of Count Witte and the examination committee. It ends with the dissolution of the occult power in Russia, and the escape from Russia of main occult figures."@eng . "1 electronic resource (6 pages)"@eng . . "Ocherki iz Rossiĭskogo Dekamerona\n\nОчерки из Российского Декамерона"@eng . . . . "Ocherki iz Rossiĭskogo Dekamerona\n\nОчерки из Российского Декамерона"@eng . .