[Miscellaneous notes concerning trials following the Bern trial]

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[Miscellaneous notes concerning trials following the Bern trial] 
[Miscellaneous notes concerning trials following the Bern trial] 
15 electronic resource (515 pages) 
Miscellaneous notes, letters, copies and drafts concerning different trials following the Bern trial. The trial Lifshitz vs. Nationale Front and the trial Loosli vs. Leonhardt. Lot of documents refer to the documents that were seized at Toedtli and got into the hands of Lifshitz. Some of the documents The case Lifshitz vs. Nationale Front is about an article in the Front magazine about a report from 1919 about Bolshevik activities in Switzerland that mentions Lifshitz being involved in money transactions on Behalf of the Soviet Union. In a letter of Lifshitz to lawmaker Musy who overtook allegations against Lifshitz, Lifshitz explains himself and explains his willingness to act against slander. A police protocol of 1919 in a transcription of 1936 about a search at Lifshitz says nothing was found. Excerpt of an examination report about Lifshitz. A letter of the socialist party of Switzerland from 1936 in French denying that they got funded from the Soviet Union. Lifshitz denouncing the allegations and providing evidence for his innocence in an eight page expose from 18.11.1936. A letter of judge Demuth to Lifshitz from 17.2.1937 providing some inside informations about the possibilities of retreating from an accusation (unclear what case). Connected to the trial Lifshitz vs. Nationale Front is the case Lifshitz / Farbstein where Lifshitz calls court over a too high bill of Farbstein for providing service for him against the Front. Some documents are about Lifshitz / Farbstein. Some documents are about the case Loosli vs. Leonhardt that is about claims of Loosli that the Front is funded by Germany. Therefore Loosli was accused of slander. A long letter of Loosli to his lawyer Lifshitz with a detailed statement for his defense against the slander accusations. Critical notes about a statement on oath of Fleischhauer from 2.3.1938. Several documents with evidence of financial dependence of the Front from Erfurt. A list of pseudonyms of people from the Weltdienst and the Swiss national socialists. Lot of correspondence of Lifshitz with other lawyers. Lifshitz is in possession of very requested documents that were seized at Toedtli. Lifshitz got them to translate them and through Loosi they were given to the press. A conversation between Toedtli and the newspaper"Natio" shows how Loosli handed documents over. A statement of Loosli and Lifshitz from 5.10.1937 about the handling of the correspondence that was seized at Toedtli. A lot of conversation is about documents that are requested or handed over to be used as evidence and for reasoning by different lawyers in different cases that are all somehow about the organisation of the Swiss national socialists and their connections to Germany. Some of the conversations are about payments and bills for coping documents and handing them over. A letter of lawyer Weissflog with a request for documents for his client Fischer. Letter of Lifshitz to Hockenjos stating that he has lot of material about Toedtli and the Front. Letter of Lifshitz to Loosli from 21.4.38 thanking him in the name of Brunshvig for allowing him to use documents of the trial Loosli vs. Toedtli. A letter of Lifshitz to Fink, that shows that Lifshitz offered him help building an existence but denouncing Fink's attempt to build a politics related existence since this would bring himself in trouble. Correspondence between Brunshvig and Lifshitz. Lawyer Held returning copies of pages of the protocols of the Bern trial with a statement of Brunshvig to Lifshitz. Held used them for a trial against Fleischhauer. A letter of the magazine Freiheit to Lifshitz asking for documents. Some correspondence of Lifshitz is about receiving certain editions of the Berner Tagblatt and the Berner Tagwacht that report about the trial against Toedtli. Several French newspaper excerpts, among them several pages of the French newspaper Voix Ouvriere from 25.04.1945. Lot of the documents are notes and receipts and empty pages. Several letters of Lifshitz to journalists and also to the American consul contain offers to make copies of documents. Translation of a leaflet calling the Russians to oppose the communist rule. Bill of the trial Loosli vs. Leonhardt. Article from the newspaper"Der Bun" from 22.3.1936 about National Socialism in Switzerland. Letter praising Loosli and his commitment in the Bern trial to the editors of the Israelitisches Wochenblatt. Letter of the JNF (KKL) to Lifshitz with an offer for an investment. Anti Jewish expose about the need to set up a press office to report to the world about the Bern trail. Handwritten notes about connections between Swiss national socialists and Erfurt, obviously for the reasoning in a trial. Page of The Times from 1920 with an article about the pamphlet The Wise Men of Zion. List of documents from the archives of the Soviet Union that were given out and translated by Lifshitz and used in the Bern trial. Documents related to the 1934 case Loewenstein vs. the Front about accusations of the Front against Loewenstein that are confirmed by Meyer. 3413 3455 French! 

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