[Court Protocols - Session XII]

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/il-002820-9932929394804146-9932925698004146 an entity of type: Record

[Court Protocols - Session XII] 
[Court Protocols - Session XII] 
1 electronic resource (45 pages) 
The file contains the protocol of the twelfth session of the Bern trial on the 7th of May 1935 at 9 am. After the president, judge Walter Meyer, opened the session C.A. Loosli started to explain his expertise statement. He points some testimonies of witnesses out and questions others. He explains that he feels attacked by Fleischhauer, but also attacks him, the Welt-Dienst and Germany in general. He questions Fleischhauers methods and his credibility. Based on the nationalistic government in Germany and their way of thinking, Fleischhauers expertise can not be trustworthy. Furthermore he discusses the Bern Trial itself, as Fleischhauer and the Nazis use it as a personal theater in order to declare their believes. Then he declares the Protocols of the Elders of Zion as a plagiarism and a forgery and explains why. The session was closed at 11.45 am. 

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