Die Jüdische Rundschau

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/il-002820-9932929394804146-990004836280304146 an entity of type: Record

Die Jüdische Rundschau 
Die Jüdische Rundschau 
1 electronic resource (15 pages) 
The file contains several newspaper editions of 'Die Stimme, Jüdische Zeitung' and 'Jüdische Rundschau' published in Mai 1935. Main headlines in this editions are regarding the trial of the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion' (Der Prozess um die"Zionistischen Protokoll"). Reports about the appointed experts Ulrich Fleischhauer, Arthur Baumgarten and Carl Albert Loosli and their expert opinion on the Protocols can be seen. Baumgarten was the appointed expert of the plaintiffs and Fleischhauer, an anti-Semitic expert, appointed by the defands. While Baumgarten and C. A. Loosli declared the Protocols of the Elders of Zion as a plagiarism and a forgery produced by helpers of the tsarist Russian Okhrana, Fleischhauer claimed that they were genuine but of uncertain authorship, possibly composed by the Jewish author. Further informations regarding life in Palestine and traveling or migrating to there can be also read. In addition news regarding Jewish life in general and informations about the Zionism congress in Jerusalem, rabbis, or about the work of Theordor Herzl are attached. Also advertisments for Jewish shops, gatherings, lectures, theaters and hotels can be seen. 

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