"The 1930 publication underscores a critical perspective that political parties should not operate beyond the boundaries of the law. It asserts that the neutrality of the constitution is not intended to foster revolutions, but to keep inner peace. The purpose of the publication is to reveal the organized treason of the NSDAP by looking at quotes of Nazi leaders from various papers to prove this point. While the party is working to attain power by legal means its core values are still based on violence, revolution and dictatorship. The organizational structure of this\"treasonous enterpris\" is discussed in the third part of the booklet: the organization of the party, the SA, student associations, and military training. Their goals are to conquer the street \"Who can conquer the street, can conquer the stat\"), have direct influence on the masses, and consolidate power through activities in parliament and governments. Furthermore, their overarching aim is the erosion of the state's means of power (Machtmittel), involving strategic considerations such as timing and preparedness for a potential takeover."@eng . "1 electronic resource (52 pages)"@eng . . "Die NSDAP als Umsturzpartei"@eng . . . . "Die NSDAP als Umsturzpartei"@eng . .