"The pamphlet describes the present situation in Germany since the takeover of the Nazis. After an historical overview, it outlines the factors that influenced political life during the Weimar republic. These include the Treaty of Versailles, the role of the social democrats in crushing the revolution of 1918-1919, and the occupation of the Ruhr region by France and Belgium, among other significant factors. An analysis of Germany's economic situation follows, spotlighting the deliberate strategy of maintaining low wages to ensure competitiveness in the global market, a move aimed at generating sufficient foreign currency for reparation payments. this economic strategy left the workforce vulnerable to jingoistic influences and agitations. The pamphlet provides statistics to support these points. The author accuses the social democrats of enabling the rise of the Nazis. In a separate section, the activities of the communist party before going underground are discussed. The work of the KPD (Communist Party of Germany) during these years is analyzed next, with a proposed plan of action that should be developed for a\"victorious insurrectio\". The author further tries to answer the question if the Hitler government will maintain itself in power and how resistance to fascism should be organized into an effective resistance movement."@eng . "1 electronic resource (48 pages)"@eng . . "The present situation in Germany"@eng . . . . "The present situation in Germany"@eng . .