Die Bedeutung der Kirchengliedschaft im Kirchenkampf

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Die Bedeutung der Kirchengliedschaft im Kirchenkampf 
Die Bedeutung der Kirchengliedschaft im Kirchenkampf 
1 electronic resource (32 pages) 
The typewritten report explains parochialism and the importance of each member in the church acting as a link in the chain of the church as a whole. The setup of the “Bekennende Kirche” (Confessing Church) and its opposition to the “Deutsche Christen” (German Christians) and National Socialism is explained. The discussions and conclusions of various Synodes during the years 1933-1945 are elaborated on (e. g. church contributions, leaving the church etc.). The 10 theses of pastor Hildebrandt of Berlin Dahlem arguing for a “Freikirche” vs. a “Volkskirche” are included and explained. The discrimination of non-Aryan members of the church and its reaction is the topic of a separate chapter. 

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