Letzte Briefe aus dem Gefängnis Tegel

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Letzte Briefe aus dem Gefängnis Tegel 
Letzte Briefe aus dem Gefängnis Tegel 
1 electronic resource (70 pages) 
The booklet is an idealized biography of Helmut James Graf von Moltke who was executed by the National socialists for conspiracy in January 1945. His work with likeminded people in the Kreisauer Kreis is described as well as his arrest, the events of July 20th, 1944, and the trial and fate of the members. An overview of preparations and the main participants of the conspiracy is provided. The initial plans were focused on ways of governing Germany after a defeat instead of staging a coup, in order to avoid another “Dolchstosslegende” (stab in the back legend). Parts of his letters written in prison are reprinted. 

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