"Files of the arbitrator for claims for compensation in Stuttgart"@eng . . . "תיקי המתווך בענייני פיצויים ב-Stuttgart"@heb . "תיקי המתווך בענייני פיצויים ב-Stuttgart"@heb . . "Files of the arbitrator for claims for compensation in Stuttgart"@eng . "תעוד רשמי"@heb . . "תיקי המתווך בענייני פיצויים ב-Stuttgart"@heb . . "Files of the arbitrator for claims for compensation in Stuttgart: The legal basis for the work of the arbitrator for reparations in the American zone was Law No. 59 of the Military Government (American Control Area) of November 10, 1947. According to this, the confiscated property, firm, bank account or other property was to be returned or compensation for it was to be paid. For this, the injured party or his legal successor had to conduct contentious proceedings against the individual or institution liable for restitution, which had seized the property. In order to prevent every claim for reimbursement leading to lengthy proceedings before the restitution chamber of the district court, but above all with the intention\"that the economic damage caused by a necessary change of ownership should remain as small as possibl\" (Ordinance No. 162 of the State Ministry on the structure of the compensation authorities of June 14, 1947, RegBl Württ.-Bad. 1947 p. 57, § 3), an arbitration instance was set up at some district courts. The instances established in the Württemberg part of the American zone were the arbitrator for reparations at the district court of Stuttgart with responsibility for the district courts of Stuttgart and Heilbronn and the arbitrator for reparations at the district court of Ulm, who was responsible for the district courts of Ellwangen and Ulm. The Ulm arbitrator for reparations was abolished in 1954 and merged with the arbitrator in Stuttgart. Therefore, the issuing authority for both is the district court of Stuttgart, which delivered the documents to the Ludwigsburg state archive on January 26, 1987. Because of this final provenance, the holdings in the Ludwigsburg State Archive are kept under the call number FL 300/33 and the holding designation: District Court of Stuttgart, with FL 300/33 I receiving the inventory addition Arbitrator for reparation Stuttgart, FL 300/33 II corresponding to Arbitrator for reparation Ulm. These two inventories contain the individual case files. Usually it depended on the location of the confiscated property which arbitrator was responsible. Especially in the case of more complex procedures with different types of reimbursement claims, it is not uncommon for one and the same entitled person to have one part of his claims negotiated in Ulm and the other in Stuttgart. It is therefore advisable for users to always check both divisions. Since the individual confiscated goods and assets were each dealt with in separate files, in many\\ cases numerous files were created for one and the same persecuted person. However, the information on the persecuted person recorded in the respective individual file may varyi considerably: Sometimes there are variations in the spelling of the name (first name: Stephan/Stefan), for women the maiden name is sometimes given, but it is missing in the next file, the birth name - or a date of death is often missing and the location information can also vary, because in one file the place of residence at the time of the first confiscation was named, in the next a place of intermediate deportation (e.g. Jewish retirement home), in the next perhaps a place of emigration. "@eng . "Official documentation"@eng .