Telegrams of Joel Brand and others from Eretz Israel, Istanbul, Switzerland and Hungary regarding the situation of refugee Jews in Hungary and in refugee camps in Europe and the relief operations on their behalf, 1945 an entity of type: Record

Telegrams of Joel Brand and others from Eretz Israel, Istanbul, Switzerland and Hungary regarding the situation of refugee Jews in Hungary and in refugee camps in Europe and the relief operations on their behalf, 1945 
Telegrams of Joel Brand and others from Eretz Israel, Istanbul, Switzerland and Hungary regarding the situation of refugee Jews in Hungary and in refugee camps in Europe and the relief operations on their behalf, 1945 
1945-01-02 - 1945-09 
Original 98 pages/frames 
Telegrams of Joel Brand and others from Eretz Israel, Istanbul, Switzerland and Hungary regarding the situation of refugee Jews in Hungary and in refugee camps in Europe and the relief operations on their behalf, 1945 Situation of the refugee Jews in Hungary and in refugee camps in Europe; names of survivors in need of help; requests to obtain certificates for [legal] aliya to Eretz Israel; sending and receiving telegrams by Hansi Brand, Israel Kasztner, Nathan Schwalb, Chaim Pazner, Chaim Barlas and other representatives of the Vaad Hahatzala (Rescue Committee) of the Jewish Agency, the Eretz Israeli delegation in Istanbul and members of the Relief and Rescue Committee in Budapest. 

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