Testimony of Henoch Piasek, born in Bielsk Podlaski, Poland, 1908, regarding his experiences in Bielsk Podlaski

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Testimony of Henoch Piasek, born in Bielsk Podlaski, Poland, 1908, regarding his experiences in Bielsk Podlaski 
Testimony of Henoch Piasek, born in Bielsk Podlaski, Poland, 1908, regarding his experiences in Bielsk Podlaski 
1945-10-10 - 
Original 2 pages/frames 
Testimony of Henoch Piasek, born in Bielsk Podlaski, Poland, 1908, regarding his experiences in Bielsk Podlaski Occupation of Bielsk Podlaski by the German Army, 26 June 1941; life in Bielsk Podlaski including anti-Jewish legislation and yellow badge; appointment of a Judenrat; murder of 30 Jews; murder of 12 Jews; establishment of the Bielsk Podlaski Ghetto, August 1941; levying of a forced contribution; burning of Torah scrolls, prayer shawls and tefillin; forced labor; concentration of approximately 11,000 Jews in the ghetto including Jews from Narwa, Briansk and Orlo, ghetto life including crowding, morbidity and hunger; liquidation of the ghetto, 11 November 1942; murder of the sick; deportation of the Jews to Treblinka. 

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