Records of the Eger Financial Directorate, 1870-1956 an entity of type: Record
Records of the Eger Financial Directorate, 1870-1956
Records of the Eger Financial Directorate, 1870-1956
20,43 linear metres, paper
The collection of the Financial Directorate covers all financial matters of companies and individuals, including but not limited to all kinds of taxation, salaries and pensions, monopolies and excises, licensing, fees and tolls, land mortgage and release, and insurance matters.
The most relevant Holocaust-related part of the collection is the Records of the Department No VIII. from 1944, including declarations of Jewish citizens on their assets and inventories of Jewish property. Following the Nazi occupation of Hungary, Prime Minister’s Decree no. 1600/1944 issued on 16 April on the declaration and sequestration of Jewish-owned property stipulated that all those defined as Jewish had to deposit their jewellery, bonds and other valuables in a bank belonging to the Centre of Financial Institutions. Besides, they had to report their valuables at the local Financial Directorates. This fond holds a complete collection of these declarations, arranged by towns and districts, and in alphabetical order of localities and owners, respectively (26 boxes). Records of the Department no. VIII. also contain the texts of anti-Jewish decrees, records on selling Jewish property, individual cases, including the petitions of Jews for their property and the petitions of non-Jews for Jewish property and various cases concerning “abandoned property after 1945.
Records of the Chief (VI. 102.a) as well as the records of other specialized departments no. II-VII. (Consumption tax, Financial directorates, Turnover tax, Licensing, Fees, Taxation and Land Release) also contain plenty of information on implementation of the anti-Jewish laws and decrees between 1939 and 1944, including supervision and termination of the official permits of Jewish businesses for the sales and purchase of goods and materials monopolized by the state, such as petrol alcohol, tobacco, sugar, etc., cases of petty offences and various matters concerning land policy and Jewish landholdings.
The collection is arranged into three major parts: Records of the Chief, 1876-1953 (VI.101.a.), Records of Departments, nos. II-VIII, 1870-1956, and Personnel Records (1949-1950). Records are arranged chronologically, the numbers of the files re-started each year. Statistics and registries are arranged thematically. The declarations on the assets of Jewish citizens are arranged by towns and districts, and then in the alphabetical order of localities, and within that, in the alphabetical order of individuals.