"Archive of the Directorate of Religious Affairs, Foreign and Minority Schools of the General Administration of Macedonia: Reports, memoranda, caralogues, etc. regarding Occupation and civil war, 1941-1949; Inspection Archive: Circulars and Orders, reports and memos about foreign and minority schools (Armenian, Jewish, Catholic, Muslim, etc.), foreign monasteries, foreign clergy, etc., 1941-1955; Foreign private schools: Tables of enrolled students by nationality, religion, language,1947-1948; Incoming documents from the General Administration of Macedonia and the German Authorities: Reports, telegrams, tables, 1942-1944; Reports and lists of enrolled\"minorit\" students, 1945-1947; Reports of foreign schools (history of establishment and function, building, students), 1937-1957; Secret reports of the General Directorate of Foreigners\"about the Slavophones, Armenians, Muslims, Kutsovlachs, Gypsies, Gagauz, Assyrians and Israelites living in Greec\", 1952; Papers, reports and confidential reports from and to the Center for Foreigners of Thessaloniki, 1941-1955; Foreign reports, reports and fact sheets for foreign schools operating in Greece, 1954-1957; Archive of Italian schools of Thessaloniki (“Umberto I”, “A.Manzoni”, “S. Santarosa”, Italian Institute etc.): registration applications, certificates, writing essays, school documents, student audits, correspondence, statistics, teachers' diaries, grades, degrees, etc., 1920-1945; Degrees in Greek, Italian, Romanian, Albanian, Bulgarian, etc. schools of Thessaloniki and Macedonia, 1932-1943; Reports, tables and information of Dioceses about foreign nationals, xenophons, about monasteries, about victims of conquerors and\"anarchist\", on religious minorities and national activities of priests, on foreign schools, etc., 1941-1949; Books of pupils, staff leaves and penalties of Jewish Schools of Thessaloniki, 1936-1940; Inspection files about Slavic, Jewish, Romanian, Yugoslav and Italian schools of Thessaloniki, 1938-1968; Books and folders of Italian schools “A. Manzoni” and “Umberto I” Thessaloniki, 1924-1943 ; File of Consulate General of Italy in Thessaloniki, 1924-1927."@eng . "17 books, 21 notebooks, 182 folders, 1 map"@eng . "Coordinating Office of Minority Schools "@eng . "Συντονιστικό Γραφείο Μειονοτικών Σχολείων (πρώην Επιθεώρηση Θρησκευμάτων, Τεχνικών, Ξένων και Μειονοτικών Σχολείων Γενικής Διοικήσεως Μακεδονίας)"@eng . . . "Coordinating Office of Minority Schools "@eng . "Συντονιστικό Γραφείο Μειονοτικών Σχολείων (πρώην Επιθεώρηση Θρησκευμάτων, Τεχνικών, Ξένων και Μειονοτικών Σχολείων Γενικής Διοικήσεως Μακεδονίας)"@eng . .