. . "Greek Communist Party (KKE)"@eng . "Kommounistiko Komma Elladas (KKE)"@eng . "400 boxes"@eng . . . . "Greek Communist Party (KKE)"@eng . "Κοµµουνιστικό Κόµµα Ελλάδας (ΚΚΕ)"@eng . "•\tCongresses, conferences and plenary sessions of the KKE Central Committee (1945- 1968).\r\n\r\n•\tSecret shorthand minutes of plenary sessions of the Central Committee.\r\n\r\n•\tDecisions and proclamations of the Politburo (1944-1968).\r\n\r\n•\tCorrespondence of the Central Committee with illegal party organizations in Greece and KKE organizations in Eastern European countries. Central contact mechanisms in Western Europe (1946-1968); Relations of the KKE with the communist movements of the Eastern countries (in particular: USSR, Yugoslavia, Albania) during the years of the Civil War in Greece; Party organizations and regional governing bodies. (1942–1951).\r\n\r\n•\tMemoirs and testimonies about the National Resistance.\r\n\r\n•\tInternational relations of the KKE with almost all communist and labor parties.\r\n\r\n•\tParty Schools after the Civil War.\"Nikos Belogianni\" School.\r\n\r\n•\tEnlightenment Committee and Publishing Department of the Central Committee (1950-1968).\r\n\r\n•\tArchive Department and History Department.\r\n\r\n•\tIndividual executive files.\r\n"@eng . . . "Κοµµουνιστικό Κόµµα Ελλάδας (ΚΚΕ)"@eng . . . "Kommounistiko Komma Elladas (KKE)"@eng . . .