W.P. Crozier Papers

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W.P. Crozier Papers 
W.P. Crozier Papers 
0.6 li.m. 
Accounts, both typescript and holograph, of interviews conducted by Crozier, with 62 statesmen and politicians, between 1931-1944. The interviews are concerned with European politics and the Nazi threat, the Jewish National Home and the Far East (India and China). There are 175 major interviews with 23 leading politicians, including Stanley Baldwin, Eduard Benes, Neville Chamberlain, Winston Churchill, Anthony Eden, David Lloyd George, Arthur Henderson, Sir Samuel Hoare, Leslie Hore Belisha, Ivan Maisky, Herbert Morrison, Jan Masaryk, Sir John Simon, Sir Robert Vansittart. There are also 57 other interviews with other notable figures such as Leo Amery, Lord Halifax, Neville Laski, Jawaharlal Nehru, L.B.Namier, Eleanor Roosevelt and Chaim Weizmann. The interviews are dominated by foreign affairs, Crozier's own interest, as well as the state of the armed forces. The colelctions comprises: Box 1 Box 2 Box 3 Box 4 Box 5 Off the Record: Political Interviews 1933-1943 Many of Crozier's interviews were published in the collection, W P Crozier, , ed. by A J P Taylor, (London: Hutchinson 1973). This collection includes most of the interviews in their entirety, although some have been cut. Some of Crozier's interviews were not included in Taylor's book and have remained unpublished. 

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