World Jewish Congress conference on antisemitism: records an entity of type: Record

World Jewish Congress conference on antisemitism: records 
World Jewish Congress conference on antisemitism: records 
c150 frames 

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Country survey on anti-Semitism: Great Britain, 23 frames

Country survey on anti-Semitism: France, 22 frames

Country survey on anti-Semitism: Sweden, 7 frames

Country survey on anti-Semitism: Switzerland, 5 frames

Country survey on anti-Semitism: Austria, 6 frames

Country survey on anti-Semitism: Belgium, 7 frames

Country survey on anti-Semitism: Italy, 7 frames

Country survey on anti-Semitism: Greece, 3 frames

Report by the Federal German Ministry of the Interior, 9 frames

Survey of Anti-semitism and Nazi- Fascist activities in Europe, 5 frames

Report on Anti-semitic, Nazi, Fascist and right-wing organisatiuons in Europe and their international links, 8 frames

Draft resolution, 1 frame

Draft recommendations and agenda, 14 frames

Other papers including recommendations for programme of action, 21 frames 


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