Papers on Otto Schiff an entity of type: Record
Papers on Otto Schiff
Papers on Otto Schiff
2 boxes
Notes, correspondence, primary documents (most photocopied) and secondary literature written or collated by A. J. Sherman and Pamela Shtazkes to write an article on Otto Schiff. Their article appeared in The Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook in 2009.
In addition the collection contains a similar set of materials created or collected by Joan Stiebel, who had worked closely with Schiff in the 1930s and 1940s. Particularly interesting are the drafts Stiebel wrote of a longer, unpublished memoir or autobiography of Schiff; these also examine her work with refugees after 1945.
The dates in the date field indicate first when the original documents were created and suggest second, in square brackets, when the copies might have been produced.
The collection is divided into two series: one for the Sherman and Shatzkes's papers and one for the Joan Stiebel collection. The latter contains the materials in folders labelled with her name. Some of the latter were clearly photocopied by Sherman or Shatzkes and appear in the series associated with them.