Former nazis in Middle East: various papers an entity of type: Record

Former nazis in Middle East: various papers 
Former nazis in Middle East: various papers 
1 folder 

This collection of various papers relates to former Nazis in Muslim countries in the Middle East and German/ Arab relations in the 1960s.

/1: Article entitled 'Ehemalige Nazis im Dienste Aegyptens', 23 Mar 1965
No author German 4 pages

/2: Article entitled 'Nazi Criminals in Arab Countries', March 1965
No author English 10 pages

/3: Orphan document entiled 'Appendix: Some of the Leading Former Nazis in United Arab Republic Service', nd
No author English 2 pages

/4: Article entitled 'Arab Anti-Semitism', nd
No author English 8 pages

/5 Anti-Semitic leaflet addessed to the German people from unidentifiedsupporters of President Nasser of Egypt, nd

/6: Anti-Semitic flyers from the National Socialist Movement, London and the Vereinigte Arabische Republik

/7-16: Periodical entitled Cairo Brief , published by the Embassy of the Vereinigte Arabische Republik, Bad Godesberg, Feb-Aug 1964

/17-20: Periodical entitled Palaestina-Nachrichten: Informationsorgan der Freunde Palaestinas, published by the League of Arab Nations, comprising articles from mumerous publications including National-Zeitung, Jun-Nov 1965

/21: Jahrbuch 1964 Freunde der deutsch-arabischen Verstaendigung

/22: Brochure from 'Ost-West Buchdienst' listing titles relating to various Middle-Eastern Muslim countries, nd


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