. . "Extraordinary State Commission of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic for the Establishment and Investigation of Crimes and Damages Perpetrated by the German-Fascist Invaders and Their Collaborators"@eng . "Extraordinary State Commission of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic for the Establishment and Investigation of Crimes and Damages Perpetrated by the German-Fascist Invaders and Their Collaborators"@eng . . . . . "This fonds contains different kinds of reports, including photos, about Nazi crimes and war damages. The reports of the Commission were compiled in a very short time and under strong political guidance, and mostly by non-specialists. They contain a large amount of information, which for historical research is applicable only to strong source criticism.\r\n\r\nIt includes some Holocaust-related reports: \r\n\r\n- ERA.R-364.1.201 - Lõppkokkuvõte Klooga koonduslaagris toime pandud mõrvade kohta / Summary about murders in Klooga concentration camp \r\n\r\n- ERA.R-364.1.202 Akt toime pandud roimade kohta Klooga koonduslaagris / Act about killings in Klooga concentration camp\r\n\r\nFurther information is available [here](http://ais.ra.ee/index.php?module=202&op=4&tyyp=2&otsing_id=20140530203322740232&kokku=1&id=110000016338&f=1&active=&sess_id=1927846a938c7fd35459eb2c7163a27a)."@eng . . "ENSV Vabariiklik Komisjon Saksa fašistlike sissetungijate ja nende kaasosaliste roimade ja nende poolt tekitatud kahjude uurimiseks"@eng . . . "732 records in 3 series"@eng . . "ENSV Vabariiklik Komisjon Saksa fašistlike sissetungijate ja nende kaasosaliste roimade ja nende poolt tekitatud kahjude uurimiseks"@eng . . "This archival fonds includes original documents of the Extraordinary State Commission of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic. These documents are divided into 3 series: \r\n\r\n- Sõjakahjude uurimis-, registreerimis- ja hindamistöö organisatsioon / War damages, investigation, registration and assessment organisation \r\n\r\n- Sõjakahjud ja -roimad ENSV-s /War damages and war crimes in ESSR \r\n\r\n- Küsimuslehed Saksamaalt kodumaale tagasi tulnud kodanike usutlemise kohta / Questionnaires concerning interviews of citizens who returned from Germany \r\n\r\nAdditional information is available [here](http://ais.ra.ee/index.php?module=202&op=4&tyyp=2&otsing_id=20140530203322740232&kokku=1&id=110000016338&f=1&active=&sess_id=1927846a938c7fd35459eb2c7163a27a).\r\n\r\n"@eng .