. . "This fonds contains different kinds of documentation of Central Prison in Tallinn (official named Work and Education Camp, German: Arbeitserziehungslager), which was subordinated to the German Security Police in Estonia (Sicherheitspolizei und SD Estland). Documentation includes curriculas, orders, circulars, correspondence and reports, personal lists and statistics. Relevant materials contain: \r\n\r\n- personal files of inmates\r\n\r\n- personal lists and statistics of inmates\r\n\r\n- lists of inmates sent to forced labour\r\n\r\n- materials concerning fate of Jews from Estonia; Jews from Germany and Czech territory, who were deported to Estonia 1942; and Jews from France, who were deported to Estonia in 1944."@eng . "This archive fond includes original documents of Tallinn Work and Education Camp of Security Police (Central prison in Tallinn, 1941-1944), which is divided into 9 series: \r\n\r\n- Õppekavad, määrused, eeskirjad / Curriculas, orders, regulations \r\n\r\n- Julgeolekupolitsei juhi ja laagri juhtkonna käskkirjad / Orders from Commander of Security police and administration of Camp (prison) \r\n\r\n- Ringkirjad, juhendid, korraldused / circulars, directives, orders \r\n\r\n- Kirjavahetus ja ettekanded laagri sisekorra küsimustes / Correspondence and reports \r\n\r\n- Laagri isikkoosseisu ja vahialuste nimekirjad ja aruanded vahialuste arvulise liikumise kohta / Personal lists of camp staff and inmates; statistic of inmates \r\n\r\n- Vahialuste isiklikud toimikud / personal files of inmates \r\n\r\n- Load vahialustega kohtumiseks / permissions to meet inmates \r\n\r\n- Kirjavahetus majandusalastes küsimustes / correspondence about economic issues\r\n \r\n- Registratuur- ja arveraamatud / Books of registration and bills \r\n\r\nDetailed information on all of these sub-categories is available [here](http://ais.ra.ee/index.php?module=202&op=4&tyyp=2&otsing_id=20140505152240188178&kokku=1&id=110000016257&f=1&active=&sess_id=1927846a938c7fd35459eb2c7163a27a).\r\n"@eng . . "Tallinn Work and Education Camp of Estonian Security Police (Central prison in Tallinn)"@eng . . "Arbeits- und Erziehungslager Tallinn (No. 1)"@eng . "Eesti Julgeolekupolitsei Tallinna Töö- ja Kasvatuslaager (Tallinna Keskvangimaja)"@eng . "Arbeits- und Erziehungslager Tallinn (No. 1)"@eng . . . . "192 records in 9 series; original bounded paper documents."@eng . . . "Tallinn Work and Education Camp of Estonian Security Police (Central prison in Tallinn)"@eng . . "Eesti Julgeolekupolitsei Tallinna Töö- ja Kasvatuslaager (Tallinna Keskvangimaja)"@eng .