"The Nazi German concentration camp at Klooga, collection"@eng . "Fašistliku saksa okupatsiooni aegne koonduslaager Kloogal, kollektsioon"@eng . . . . . . . . . "Fašistliku saksa okupatsiooni aegne koonduslaager Kloogal, kollektsioon"@eng . . . . "The fonds contains 4 sub-fonds:\r\n\r\n- AM, D 150.1.1: A file of prisoner cards (original file delivered to Estonian State Archive (ERA.R-170.1.1, ERA.R-170.1.2, ERA.R-170.1.3); the museum retained duplicates and an incomplete copy of the card file. \r\n\r\n- AM, D 150.1.2: Card file of persons who attempted to escape and were shot (original card file delivered to Estonian State Archives), and an incomplete copy of the card file (ERA.R-170.1.5). \r\n\r\n- AM, D 150.1.7: Prayer book, in Hebrew. \r\n\r\n- AM, D 150.1.9: Statistical table about camps in Estonia, compiled by Extraordinary State Commission of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic for the Establishment and Investigation of Crimes and Damages Perpetrated by German-Fascist Invaders and Their Collaborators.\r\n"@eng . . "The Nazi German concentration camp at Klooga, collection"@eng . . . . "4 records, alphabetical card files, book, original paper documents "@eng . .