"Kontoret for Offentlig Forsorg"@dan . "5 parcels"@eng . "Socialministeriet, 2. kontor "@dan . . "Office of Public Social Welfare"@eng . "Varetog hjælpearbejdet til deporterede danskere i Tyskland (nødhjælpspakker mv.). \r\nOplysningerne findes i særlige sager i journalsagerne: \r\n- Journalnr. 820: Internerede.\r\n- Journalnr. 850: Kommunister. \r\n- Journalnr. 880: Jøder, politiske fanger.\r\n"@dan . "Ministry of Social Affairs"@eng . . "Handled the relief aid to deported Danes in Germany (emergency food parcels, etc.). The information is found in special records in the Journals Files. \r\nThe information are found in special records in the Journal Files: \r\n- File no. 820: Internees. \r\n- File no. 850: Communists.\r\n- File no. 880: Jews, political prisoners.\r\n"@eng . . "Office of Public Social Welfare"@eng . "Socialministeriet, 2. kontor "@dan . "Ministry of Social Affairs"@eng . . "Kontoret for Offentlig Forsog"@eng . "Kontoret for Offentlig Forsorg"@dan . "5 pakken"@dan . . . "Kontoret for Offentlig Forsog"@eng . . . . .