Malenovice Town Archives and the Malenovice National Committee / NAD 620 an entity of type: Record

Malenovice Town Archives and the Malenovice National Committee / NAD 620 
Archiv městečka Malenovice a Místní národní výbor Malenovice 
Malenovice Town Archives and the Malenovice National Committee / NAD 620 
Archiv městečka Malenovice a Místní národní výbor Malenovice 
Textual material 6,15 linear meters 
The fonds contains documents of the municipality self-government. With its scope, it belongs to the fonds of small towns. It contains only particulars about Jews: anti-semitic lectures by the Vlajka organization and the post-war investigation of their members 1940–1945: announcements, lectures “Judaism and Modern Nationalism,” Czech Labor Front, speaker Vykydal from Želechovice, 20 July 1940;"Jews and London must be tried by the People's Cour", convened by Jaroslav Pagáč from Zlín, 6 December 1941; the issue of handing over German and Czech members of the Vlajka by the Security Commission in Zlín to Malenovice as their place of residence, June 9, 1945.Then there are documents from the Holocaust period and its post-war investigation: Jews and Jewish property: regulation of contact between non-Jewish and Jewish people, list of Jews and property (Manuel, Huppert, Beywasser, Politzer, Schlesinger, Kylián, Benešovský, Kvasničková, Mayer), residence, extension of the powers of the national administration of the Jewish Council of Elders in Prague, an inquiry from Palestine concerning the Kohn-Politzer family 1939–1947. Sufficient attention should be paid to the following material: the register of citizens 1880-1900; the book of death records 1892–1949; the statement of issued domicile certificates 1899–1932; the records of immigrants 1898–1948; the list of self-employed persons 1924–1934; the appointment of forced administrators for homesteads, houses, and trade enterprises 1935–1943. 
The fonds is divided as follows: I. Deeds; II. Books: a) official administrative books, b) property books,c) registration and police books; III. File material: a) auxiliary books, b) files until 1850, c) files from 1850–1948 IV. Accounting books V. Other material. 

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