. "Textual material\n\n62,14 linear meters"@eng . . "District Court of Veselí nad Lužnicí / NAD 73"@eng . "The fonds is divided as follows: Court agenda - Auxiliary books; Auxiliary books 1855-1897, 1898-1949; Files 1850-1855; 1855-1897; 1898-1923; 1924-1949; Land book agenda; Other."@eng . "Okresní soud Veselí nad Lužnicí"@eng . "District Court of Veselí nad Lužnicí / NAD 73"@eng . . "Okresní soud Veselí nad Lužnicí"@eng . "The fonds contains documents of the District Court of Veselí nad Lužnicí from the years 1850-1949 concerning the civil and criminal agendas, as well as the agenda for the establishment of new land registers. As part of the inheritance agenda (file no. D), there are the inheritance proceedings of Jews who died during World War II, for example in concentration camps, dealt with in 1946."@eng . . .