"Okresní úřad Tábor I."@eng . "Okresní úřad Tábor I."@eng . "District Office of Tábor I / NAD 1"@eng . "The fonds is divided as follows: I. Books (administrative books, registration books); II. File material (registry finding aids, files). The files contain handling periods 1850-1855, 1855-1868, 1868-1911, 1912-19130, 1931-1938, 1938-1947, census operas; III. Accounting material; IV. Other material (maps and plans); V. Associated agendas."@eng . . . . "Textual material\n\n301,28 linear meters"@eng . . "The fonds contains documents of the Tábor District Office from (1808) 1850-1945 (1958), official books, files, accounting material, and others. The documents concern municipal affairs, population movements (1869-1910 census), emigration, residence right, education, health, police, construction, poverty, charity, agriculture, trades, finance, and the military. The fonds also contains correspondence on Jewish registries, documents on the Jewish religious communities of Choustník, Chýnov, Jistebnice, Radenín, Tučapy, Soběslav, and Tábor, documents concerning the construction of a Jewish cemetery in Tábor (including a plan), the election of Jiří Guttmann as a representative of the Jewish population for the district of the former Regional Office Tábor, election of the rabbi in Soběslav, sale of the synagogue in Tučapy, statistics of Jewish companies, a request from the Vlajka organization to introduce discriminatory measures against Jews, a proposal to sell the synagogue in Tábor, a list of all Jews in the district, Jewish register cards (including photos)."@eng . . "District Office of Tábor I / NAD 1"@eng .