. . "Okresní úřad Příbram"@eng . "District Office of Příbram / NAD 38"@eng . "District Office of Příbram / NAD 38"@eng . "The fonds is divided into official administrative and registration books. The file material is divided into groups of the registry finding aids and files. The files are divided into the presidium registry, the general registry, and files stored outside the registry plan. The general registry is further divided into individual handling periods: 1855-1868, 1868-1905, 1906-1936, 1937-1948."@eng . "Textual material\n\n126,31 linear meters"@eng . . . "Okresní úřad Příbram"@eng . . "The fonds contains official books and files. The following documents are relevant: Records of changes in religion 1882-1948 with registers; Lists of trades 1856-1949; Citizenship and emigration 1920-1940; Citizenship A-Ž 1937-1948; Lists of Jews who emigrated to Příbram in 1940; Seizure of Jews' bicycles 1941-1942; A list of Jewish trades 1942, Census sheets from 1921, Police population register approx. 1939-1945. Presidium files: Filling the post of the temporary rabbi for the former Beroun region. Supporting the candidacy of Moses Schiffmann of Votice for the district of Příbram 1866; A proposal of an imperial decoration for the head of the Jewish religious community in Příbram, Samuel Beständig, 1875; An anonymous letter sent to the chairman of the Support Association of Craftsmen in Příbram calling for violent acts against Jews from 1881; Finding explosives at the gates of the Jewish prayer house in Příbram and seditious anti-Jewish letters - a report of the town council and a report of the police station 1883; Anti-Jewish riots in the town of Příbram on the night of March 24, 1885; A report of the police station in Březové Hory on anti-Jewish demonstrations and damage caused to Jewish property in connection with the death of Crown Prince Rudolf in 1889; Suspension of the activities of the local department of the Czech-Jewish National Unity in Příbram for illegal political activities 1894; Serious anti-Jewish riots in Příbram, Nový Knín and Dobříš with damaged property in 1897; A declaration of the Příbram Town Council addressing the population, the local department of the Czech-Jewish National Unity in Příbram, and Jewish parents, to stop sending their children to the German school in 1898; A report against the perpetrator of derogatory inscriptions on Jewish shops in Dobříš 1899; Putting on an anti-Jewish poster in Příbram 1900; Finding a dynamite cartridge with a fuse and a capsule at the door of the synagogue in Příbram 1900; Dissemination of false reports of the murder of an 18-year-old Jewish girl in Příbram in 1904; Reports of the German press on the attacks of the Department of Czech-Jewish National Unity in Příbram against the public general German school in Příbram - a report of the district school committee on the situation of the school 1904; Sedition and attacks against Jewish refugees from Galicia located in Příbram in 1915; A report of the district governor's office that there are 161 Polish Jews from the war-infested and occupied eastern areas in the district 1916; A report of the police station about an anti-Jewish demonstration in Příbram and extraordinary measures as a result of this event 1919; A report of the police station in Příbram on an anti-Jewish riot 1919; A report of the police station in Bohutín about Alexander Frankel, a candidate for the United Jewish Party 1924; A report of the police station in Příbram on disseminating leaflets with anti-Jewish content 1938; Prohibiting Jews from staying in the main square and in Pražská Street - A decree of the District Office 1941; Decrees and circulars governing the Aryan population's contact with the Jewish population."@eng .