. "The collection consists out of 14,55 linear meters of processed and inventoried documents. 9,15 linear meters are unprocessed and inaccessible."@eng . "GVČ"@eng . "Generalkommandant der uniformierten Protektoratspolizei, Prag"@eng . . . "General Commander of the Uniformed Protectorate Police, Prague "@eng . "Generální velitel uniformované protektorátní policie, Praha"@eng . . . "NAD 912"@eng . "GVČ"@eng . "General Commander of the Uniformed Protectorate Police, Prague "@eng . . . "Generální velitel uniformované protektorátní policie, Praha"@eng . "The documents in the collection of the Generalkommandant der uniformierten Protektoratspolizei, Prag are mostly of organisational nature. During the deportation of the Jews in the Bohemian lands to the Theresienstadt Ghetto members of the Uniformed police forces supported Gestapo and SS. The Uniformed police forces also formed a special unit for guarding the prisoners in the Theresienstadt Ghetto. Also the Roma camps Lety u Písku and Hodonín u Kunštátu were guarded by Uniformed Police forces."@eng . "NAD 912"@eng . "Generalkommandant der uniformierten Protektoratspolizei, Prag"@eng . .