. . "The Czechoslovak Government Commission for Prosecution of Nazi War Criminals"@eng . . . "The fonds contains records, information and mailing of the commission, records of the commission meetings, administration files, documents copies, above all Nazi criminals extradition requests, documents about Nazi judges, war criminal lists etc."@eng . "Československá vládní komise pro stíhání nacistických válečných zločinců"@eng . . . "Československá vládní komise pro stíhání nacistických válečných zločinců"@eng . "The Czechoslovak Government Commission for Prosecution of Nazi War Criminals"@eng . . "NAD 1145"@eng . "The fonds is not arranged, there is no finding aid. "@eng . "ČVKSNVZ"@eng . "NAD 1145"@eng . . . "ČVKSNVZ"@eng . "49 linear metres of documents which are not processed and inventoried, however the fonds is accessible. "@eng .