. "Archive of the Municipality of Tršice / NAD 595"@eng . "The fonds is divided into: I. Deeds; II. Official books (administrative, registering, and accounting, chronicles and memorial books); III. File material (registry finding aids and files); IV. Others (maps and plans)."@eng . . "Textual material\n\n2,95 linear meters"@eng . . "The fonds contains relatively comprehensive documents of the self-government of the municipality of Tršice. The files of the fonds contains anti-Jewish decrees and regulations and lists of Jews deported in June 1942 to Terezín, all from 1941–1943."@eng . "Archiv obce Tršice"@eng . . "Archive of the Municipality of Tršice / NAD 595"@eng . . "Archiv obce Tršice"@eng .