. . "The fonds is divided into: I. Deeds, II. Books, A. Books kept in the interest of the town until 1850, B. Books to ensure the rights and property of burghers and serfs until 1850, C. Books after 1850, III. File material, A. Auxiliary books until 1850, B. Auxiliary books after 1850, C. Files before 1790, D. Handled files of the municipality office 1791-1850, E. Period of the municipal office 1850-1945, IV. Accounting material, V. Others, A. Maps and plans, B. Seal matrixes and stamps"@eng . "The fonds covers the history of the town of Chlumec nad Cidlinou. It is relatively large, but due to poor storage, part of the fonds was damaged. It contains deeds, official books, file material, accounting material, and other documents. The register mentions Jews (foreigners' notices of moving in and out, and files of Václav Abraham, the merchant, and of Václav Sladkus, inv. no. 1109, 1110). The fonds contains processed files of the Jewish merchant Václav Abraham inv. no. 173 (inheritance book 1833-1853/1883). Furthermore, the Jews are mentioned in inv. no. 281-285 (books of the dead 1850-1869, 1869-1902, 1903-1916, 1916-1931, 1931-1950); inv. no. 326-327 (population list 1870); inv. no. 1058-1066 (censuses, 1906, 1910, 1915, 1925, 1930, 1934, 1937, 1938, 1938, 1945); inv. no.1109 (list of persons of Jewish nationality 1941); inv. no. 1110 (Jews - handing over gold 1940); inv. no. 1112 (files of Václav Abraham, the merchant, and Václav Sladkus 1940-1946)."@eng . "Archiv města Chlumec nad Cidlinou"@eng . . . "Textual material\n\n74,87 linear meters"@eng . "Archiv města Chlumec nad Cidlinou"@eng . "Archives of the Town of Chlumec nad Cidlinou / NAD 567"@eng . "Archives of the Town of Chlumec nad Cidlinou / NAD 567"@eng . .