. "The registry system of the fonds is divided into subject classes. The police records in particular are relevant to Jewish issues - the file classification codes 123, 130, 131 and 154."@eng . "The fonds contains documents of the District Councillor’s Office in the territory of the Provincial District of Jablonné v Podještědí (the judicial districts of Jablonné v Podještědí, Zwickau and Mimoň, including the occupied territory of the judicial districts of Mnichovo Hradiště and Bělá pod Bezdězem). The inventory lists the following documents on the history of Jews - report police, alien police, passports: inv. No. 165 Surveillance of Jews, registration of Jews (1938-1941); Trade police: inv. No. 175 Removal of Jews from the German economic life (1938-1942); health care, inheritance and racial issues: inv. No. 335 Jews (1939-1940). Attention should also be paid to other archival materials related to police matters such as inv. No. 164 Reichstag reporting rules, general issues (1939)."@eng . "Landrat (District Councillor) of Jablonné v Podještědí"@eng . "Landrat (District Councillor) of Jablonné v Podještědí"@eng . "45,36 linear meters"@eng . . . . .