Aronsfrau-Hollander family. Collection Arents family. Collection an entity of type: Record

Aronsfrau-Hollander family. Collection Arents family. Collection 
Aronsfrau-Hollander family. Collection Arents family. Collection 
128 digitised images (43 photos, 31 documents and 2 precious prints) 
This collection consists of: photos of the Aronsfrau-Hollander family, including photos of siblings Leonore, Norbert and Siegbert Aronsfrau as children and adults, photos of parents Leon Aronsfrau and Eva Hollander, photos taken during family vacations, a photo of Leon Aronsfrau during his military service and a photo of Norbert Aronsfrau with his rescuer Simone Goossens ; documents regarding the Aronsfrau-Hollander family, including Siegbert Aronsfrau’s fake ID, a letter sent to Siegbert Aronsfrau while detained at the Dossin barracks from his rescuer Simone Goossens, a post-war letter from Lucy Van Malderghem containing a postcard sent to her by Leonore Aronsfrau while Leonore was detained at the Dossin barracks, post-war letters from family members in the USA and Latin-America regarding the fate of the Aronsfrau family in Belgium during the war, documents regarding the recognition of Siegbert Aronsfrau as a political prisoner, post-war documents regarding the possible migration of Norbert and Siegbert Aronsfrau to the United States post-war documents from the Ministry of Reconstruction regarding the fate of Eva Hollander ; two pre-war prayer books. 

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