Kesselman-Stern family. Collection an entity of type: Record
Kesselman-Stern family. Collection
Kesselman-Stern family. Collection
37 digitised images (18 photos and 12 documents)
This collection contains photos and documents including pre-war pictures of Abraham Kesselman’s first wife Liba Teitelbaum, pre-war photos of Liba’s (unidentified) relatives and friends, pre-war photos of the Stern sisters, pre-war photos of Cipa Laja (Lea) Sztern’s children Henri and Diane Rozen, post-war photos of Eva Stern and Abraham Kesselman, Rachel Stern’s pre-war subscriptions and post-war British registration card, post-war cards from Harry Ekstein to his cousins Rachel and Sara Stern, the judicial document denying Abraham Kesselman the title of political prisoner, an RSVP to Sara Stern’s marriage, a leaflet regarding dual nationality, a handwritten card from Henri Rozen from 1940, a telegram from Cipa Laja (Lea) Sztern to her sisters in London from 1941, a post-war declaration regarding the position of Abraham Kesselman with the Antwerpsch Comité ter Verdediging van de Joodsche Belangen [Antwerp Committee for the Defence of Jewish Assets].