. "Forms serving to dispatch parcels to Kazerne Dossin by the Belgian Judenrat (Association de Juifs en Belgique-AJB)."@eng . "28-06-1943:28-07-1943" . . . "Forms serving to dispatch parcels to Kazerne Dossin by the Belgian Judenrat (Association de Juifs en Belgique-AJB)."@eng . "4 forms; 4 digitized images."@eng . . "Chronological"@eng . "Forms registering the requested items to be deposed at the AJB-local for dispatching to Kazerne Dossin inmates. The form registers: date; name of applicant with Transportnumber; name and adres of adressee; list of requested items. Forms by: SMULEWICZ, Chaim adressed to MAGASINIER; NEUMANN, Laja adressed to MAILLIAR, Paul."@eng .