"Report of a Jewish communist resistant on his arrestation and activity with his comrades in Auschwitz, Gross-Rosen and Buchenwald. (Probably a report before a party commission investigating on the wartime conduct of the members or candidate members.) Illisible signature. BARTZ BLODER, Jacques BRYNKIER BUCH DEUTSCHER DE VRIES EDELSTEIN FEDER FELD, S GRUBER GRUSZOW JOSPA JURYSTA, Janek KNOLL LANDAU LIVSCHITZ, Georges LOVICSOVER LUSTBADER MANDELBAUM MORZ, L PRIVIN REINDORFF ROZENBLUM SCHIPPERE SZYDLOVER UNGER"@eng . "3 digitized images of a copy of a typed text."@eng . . "Postwar" . "Report of a Jewish communist before the Belgian Communist Party on his conduct in the camps."@eng . . . "Report of a Jewish communist before the Belgian Communist Party on his conduct in the camps."@eng . .