. . . . . "Vereeniging der Joden in België - Association des Juifs en Belgique. Front de l'Indépendance. Collection\n\nAssociation of Jews in Belgium. Independent Front. Collection"@eng . . . "Vereeniging der Joden in België - Association des Juifs en Belgique. Front de l'Indépendance. Collection\n\nAssociation of Jews in Belgium. Independent Front. Collection"@eng . "13,203 digitised images (4,058 documents in 42 boxes)"@eng . . "Archives de l’Association des Juifs en Belgique (Front de l’Indépendance)."@fra . . "Archives de l’Association des Juifs en Belgique (Front de l’Indépendance)."@fra . "4054 pièces (13 088 images digitales)."@fra . "A rudimentary inventory on file level is available upon request."@eng . . "This collection consists of 4,058 documents confiscated by the Front de l’Indépendance (Independent Front) at the offices of the Association of Jews in Belgium (AJB) – “Aide Spéciale Malines” [Special Assistance Mechelen department], after the liberation. The documents can be divided in five sections : - Correspondence of the AJB : between the leading committee and local committees, between local committees, between the AJB and German or Belgian officials, between the AJB and Suisse, German, French and Dutch organisations, etc. - Lists : e.g. employees of the AJB, Organisation Todt workers, Jews who received a convocation for forced labour (Arbeitseinsatzbefehl), packages and letters delivered to the Dossin barracks, etc. - Documents of the subdivisions responsible for education, interventions, “Aide Spéciale Malines”, social welfare, emigration, etc. - Correspondence and documents regarding the activities of the “Aide Spéciale Malines” department. - Financial files and accounting : salaries of the Organisation Todt workers, clearings, liquidations, budget, financial gifts, membership fees, etc."@eng . . . "Ce fonds comprend de la correspondance de l’AJB, différentes listes notamment des employés de l’AJB, d’ouvriers pour l’Organisation Todt, de personnes convoquées à Malines, de colis. On notera également de la correspondance, des documents des services Enseignement, Intervention, Aide Spéciale Malines, Philanthropie et Émigration, etc."@fra .