. "Kostbare drukwerken."@nld . . . . "19de – 20ste eeuw" . "Kostbare drukwerken."@nld . "over 43,000 images (over 900 books and leaflets)"@eng . . . "463 stukken (3353 digitale beelden)."@nld . . "Precious prints. Collection"@eng . . . "Precious prints. Collection"@eng . "This collection contains precious prints such as pamphlets, posters, books and other types of publications published before 1950. The topics include pre-war Jewish life, anti-Semitism, ideologies of various political movements, biographies of camp survivors, commemoration of resistance movements, German organisations such as the SS, post-war trials and war crimes. The publications do not only focus on Belgium, but also include publications from France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Czechoslovakia and the United States."@eng . . . . . . . . . . "Deze verzameling bevat affiches, pamfletten en publicaties van uiteenlopende aard. Ze zijn zowel afkomstig uit de collecties van andere instellingen als van giften van particulieren aan de Kazerne Dossin."@nld . . .