_:Bb549b6fbf9fb8ef2b6fd63a9f601002b "101 Vera King Farris Drive, Galloway, Zürich" . _:Bb549b6fbf9fb8ef2b6fd63a9f601002b . _:Bb549b6fbf9fb8ef2b6fd63a9f601002b "39.492018, -74.530906" . _:Bb549b6fbf9fb8ef2b6fd63a9f601002b "NJ 08205" . _:Bb549b6fbf9fb8ef2b6fd63a9f601002b "New Jersey" . _:Bb549b6fbf9fb8ef2b6fd63a9f601002b . _:Bb549b6fbf9fb8ef2b6fd63a9f601002b . _:Bb549b6fbf9fb8ef2b6fd63a9f601002b . _:B7f1734e6f4d1e7b8506cb58de601a8a8 "Sara & Sam Schoffer Holocaust Resource Center" . _:B7f1734e6f4d1e7b8506cb58de601a8a8 . "+(609) 652-4699" . _:B7f1734e6f4d1e7b8506cb58de601a8a8 . . "gail.rosenthal@stockton.edu" . _:Bcbe29e1af040ba16088a3ae10f287f30 . "+(609) 626-3649" . "Library: 4,000 volumes catalogued, 15 periodicals, 400 videotapes, 150 posters, archival material, interactive CD-ROMs"@eng . _:Bb549b6fbf9fb8ef2b6fd63a9f601002b . "Sara & Sam Schoffer Holocaust Resource Center" . "SJHolocaustSurvivors@stockton.edu" . "heather.perez@stockton.edu" . . "+(609) 652-4532" . "The Sara and Sam Schoffer Holocaust Resource Center is a Jewish Foundation for the Righteous (JFR) Holocaust Center of Excellence. The JFR Holocaust Centers of Excellence Program was established to honor centers who have made an extraordinary commitment to teach the Holocaust in their communities. The Sara and Sam Schoffer Holocaust Resource Center faculty, staff, and supporters were honored to be chosen as a JFR Holocaust Center of Excellence. For more information about the Jewish Foundation for the Righteous, please visit: www.jfr.org"@eng . . _:Bcbe29e1af040ba16088a3ae10f287f30 "The Sara & Sam Schoffer Holocaust Resource Center’s mission is as follows:\r\n\r\nTo commemorate the Holocaust and develop sensitivity and understanding by combating antisemitism, racism, hatred and oppression.\r\n\r\nTo memorialize the victims of the Holocaust and pay tribute to the survivors, liberators, and eyewitnesses.\r\n\r\nTo focus on the study of the Holocaust by fostering academic research and by serving as a repository for Holocaust materials including oral histories.\r\n\r\nTo participate in educating future generations by sponsoring awareness programs and exhibits, by providing workshops and seminars to train those teaching the Holocaust, and by making available printed and audio-visual material to students, educators, and scholars.\r\n\r\nTo promote greater awareness of the Holocaust through special activities such as symposia and lectures."@eng . _:Bcbe29e1af040ba16088a3ae10f287f30 .