_:B69f1669842c3c0925131662c7e679f04 "Natsionalniy Historiko-Memorialniy Zapovidnik Babi Yar" . _:B69f1669842c3c0925131662c7e679f04 "National Historical Memorial Preserve “Baby Yar” " . _:B69f1669842c3c0925131662c7e679f04 . . _:B918ee47fba64f1d6bf41ac5f723ad320 . "National Historical Memorial Reserve “Baby Yar” collects informations and historical artefacts connected in general to the Ukrainian Victms of the Holocaust and to the victims of\"Baby Ya\" executions of the Jews in particular. \r\n\r\nNational Historical Memorial Reserve “Baby Yar” organizes lessons, exhibitions and lectures on Holocaust in Ukraine directed at various Ukrainian and International audience. \r\n"@eng . "babinyar@ukr.net" . "Institution was established in 1989. "@eng . "(044) 235-39-89" . "National Historical Memorial Preserve «Babyn Yar» holds various photographic materials as well as the testimonies on the Holocaust in Ukraine. "@eng . . _:B69f1669842c3c0925131662c7e679f04 . . "Національний історико-меморіальний заповідник \"Бабин Яр\" " . _:Bea2bc8e8b9942b5b261b4bc1e92f0013 . _:Bea2bc8e8b9942b5b261b4bc1e92f0013 "48-b Melnykova , Serres" . _:Bea2bc8e8b9942b5b261b4bc1e92f0013 . _:Bea2bc8e8b9942b5b261b4bc1e92f0013 "50.4906, 30.59276" . _:Bea2bc8e8b9942b5b261b4bc1e92f0013 "4086"^^ . _:Bea2bc8e8b9942b5b261b4bc1e92f0013 . _:Bea2bc8e8b9942b5b261b4bc1e92f0013 . _:Bea2bc8e8b9942b5b261b4bc1e92f0013 . _:B918ee47fba64f1d6bf41ac5f723ad320 "Національний історико-меморіальний заповідник \"Бабин Яр\" " . _:B918ee47fba64f1d6bf41ac5f723ad320 .