_:B96641da859a28ea21a9e0bc4cfa2a4d2 "Державна наукова архівна бібліотека, м. Київ " . _:B96641da859a28ea21a9e0bc4cfa2a4d2 . _:B0f2dedca0035f2d84ec13aba23c9de29 "vul. Solom'ians'ka 24, Sfântu Gheorghe" . _:B0f2dedca0035f2d84ec13aba23c9de29 . _:B0f2dedca0035f2d84ec13aba23c9de29 "50.42159, 30.48118" . _:B0f2dedca0035f2d84ec13aba23c9de29 "3110"^^ . _:B0f2dedca0035f2d84ec13aba23c9de29 "Kyiv" . _:B0f2dedca0035f2d84ec13aba23c9de29 . _:B0f2dedca0035f2d84ec13aba23c9de29 . _:B0f2dedca0035f2d84ec13aba23c9de29 . _:Bedc116abbb2f0fe403fd6ad6d2d5e096 "State Archives Research Library in Kiev" . _:Bedc116abbb2f0fe403fd6ad6d2d5e096 "Derzhavna naukova arkhivna biblioteka m. Kyiva" . _:Bedc116abbb2f0fe403fd6ad6d2d5e096 . . "Державна наукова архівна бібліотека, м. Київ " . _:Bedc116abbb2f0fe403fd6ad6d2d5e096 . . "dnab@archives.gov.ua" . "The Library was established in 1852 as a part of the Kiev Central Archives of Ancient Documents. From 1932 became part of the Kiev Regional Historic Archives and from 1943- the Central State Historical Archives (CSHA) in the Kiev city. \r\n\r\nIn 1963 it became Department of scientific and reference literature of CSHA USSR in Kiev city, and in 1972- Research and Reference Library of the Central State Archives of Ukraine from January 1972 (on the basis of library collections CSAOR USSR, CSHA USSR in Kiev city). In June 2006 the institution acquired its current name, The State Archives Research Library of Kyiv city. "@eng . . _:B0f2dedca0035f2d84ec13aba23c9de29 . _:B96641da859a28ea21a9e0bc4cfa2a4d2 . "The library preserves more then 362,000 books, sets of magazines, newspapers, postcards, posters, and cartographic materials (195,790 books and pamphlets, 78,266 magazines, 30,113 newspapers, 30,752 special publications such as maps or postcards, and 27,765 collection items of exchanging fund). These are socio-political, historical, archival, reference books and literature of ministries and departments of the former Soviet Union and tsarist Russia, statistical publications. \r\n\r\nThe library preserves a collection of laws of the Russian Empire, laws approved by the Central Rada, Ukrainian People's Republic, laws of the USSR and the Soviet Union, military history archives in Ukraine, normative and methodical materials of archival institutions. There is a unique publication of famous figures and historians of Ukraine: V.K. Vinnichenko, M.S. Hrushevskyi, D.V. Doroshenko, M.P. Drahomanov, M.O. Maksimovych and others. It is also stored a great selection of Ukrainian literature of the interwar period in emigration origin, including Prague collections. Ukrainian University in Prague has a collection of several hundred volumes. The collection of Reichscommisariat of Ukraine contains more than 1.5 thousand volumes. \r\n\r\nThe Foreign fonds has about 10,000 volumes of books and more than 4,500 magazines (XVIII - XX centuries). \r\n\r\nThe magazine`s library fund consists of the political, historical, archival scientific publications:\"The son of homelan\",\"Reading of Russian ancient history in the Imperial societ\",\"Ancient Kie\",\"Ukrain\",\"Ancient Russi\",\"Servitude and deportatio\",\"Bulletin of Europ\",\"News of the University of St. Vladimi\",\"Notes of scientific society named by Shevchenk\",\"Chernigov Diocesan New\", as well as new specialized periodicals including foreign ones. \r\n\r\nAmong the rare chronicles are\"Grain-growing Ukrain\" (1922-1925),\"Student's bulleti\" (Prague, 1927),\"Lif\" (Prague, 1924),\"Freedo\" (Vienna, 1919),\"Land and Freedo\" (1936),\"Good Shepher\" (Stanislaviv, 1936-1937). The newspaper's library fund includes a unique publication of the beginning of XIX century \"Moscow New\",\"St. Petersburg Senate New\"), sets of rare newspapers of ХІХ - beginning of ХХ centuries \"Kievlyani\",\"Kiev newspape\",\"Kiev`s min\",\"Kiev provincial new\",\"News of Ukrainian Central Rad\",\"Bulletin of the General Secretariat of the UP\"). The cartographic library fund contains sets of military topographic maps of the Russian Empire, Austro-Hungary, Germany (including period of World War II). There are unique maps of dislocations during the Russian-Japanese War, First and Second World Wars, maps of fronts UPR. There are unique collections of Soviet and White Guard post cards and posters, propaganda publications of the Ukrainian revolution period, publications of UPA and Nazi occupation authorities. The information library fund consists of encyclopedic dictionaries, memories books, lists of settlements, address books and calendars:\"All Russi\",\"All Mosco\",\"All Kie\",\"All Ukrain\",\"All Odess\", other directories.\r\n\r\nOf particular interest for Holocaust history students is collection of the German-, Ukrainian- and Russian-language newspapers and journals published in the Ukraine occupied in 1941-1944 under the supervision of the German and Romanian authorities. "@eng . "38 (044) 275-12-24" .