_:Bad4d5d1dfc391dc521f2048e94d044aa "State Archive of Donetsk Oblast" . _:Bad4d5d1dfc391dc521f2048e94d044aa "Derzhavnyi arkhiv Donetskoi oblasti" . _:Bad4d5d1dfc391dc521f2048e94d044aa . _:Bf9f765b524492043c648545d95d29f39 "vul. Hromova 34 a, Ivano-Frankivsk" . _:Bf9f765b524492043c648545d95d29f39 . _:Bf9f765b524492043c648545d95d29f39 "85113"^^ . _:Bf9f765b524492043c648545d95d29f39 "Donetsk oblast" . _:Bf9f765b524492043c648545d95d29f39 . _:Bf9f765b524492043c648545d95d29f39 . _:Bf9f765b524492043c648545d95d29f39 . _:B135a8352e8fde24d53ce07d2314a3273 "Державний архів Донецької області " . _:B135a8352e8fde24d53ce07d2314a3273 . "- 11064 funds, 1932939 collection items (1784-2012)\r\n- 20750 collection items of scientific and technical documentation (1935-1987)\r\n- 3159 collection items of film documents (1963-1982)\r\n- 14378 collection items of photo documents (1880-1999)\r\n- 1291 collection items of sound recordings (1954-1985)\r\n- 2490 collection items of video documents (1991-2012) \r\n\r\nThe period of Nazis occupation of the Donetsk region is presented by the documents of district and rural courts, agricultural societies and labour exchanges.\r\nThe documents of institutions of culture, folk education, science, health protection, physical culture and sport can tell us about the cultural and educational work, guard of monuments of history and culture, illiteracy liquidation, fight against homelessness. Activity of religious institutions is represented in the funds of the Council of religious affairs."@eng . . . . _:B135a8352e8fde24d53ce07d2314a3273 . . . . . . . . . . . _:Bad4d5d1dfc391dc521f2048e94d044aa . . . _:Bf9f765b524492043c648545d95d29f39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "On the territory of modern Donetsk oblast there were no state archives before 1917. The documents were kept at the archives of departments\r\nThe Donetsk Gubernial Archives Division of the Donetsk Gubernial Executive Committee presidium was established according to the Decree of the Council of the People's Commissars of Ukraine of January 3, 1922. Gubernial Historical Archives were decided to be created in 1924.\r\nThe Donetsk Guberniya as well as the archival institutions of the guberniya was liquidated, and functions of the archives were passed to the Artemovsk, Stalino and Mariupol District (okruh) Archival Divisions in 1925.\r\nA Regional Industry Historical Archives of Donbas was established in July 1929. In September 1930 Artemivsk, Stalino and Mariupol District Archival Divisions were liquidated and instead of them the Local Archives Divisions were created on October 1, 1930. The Stalino Local Archives Division and the Regional Industry Historical Archives of Donbas were reorganised into the Stalino State Historical Archives in March 1932. Artemivsk and Mariupol Local Archives Divisions were reorganized into the State Historical Archives.\r\nThe Donets Oblast was established in June 1932. The Historical Archives of Donets Oblast were created on the base of the Stalino State Historical Archives on September 29, 1932. The Donets Oblast was divided into Stalino and Voroshilovhrad (Luhansk) Oblasts on June 3, 1938. The Historical Archives of Donets Oblast were renamed into Historical Archives of Stalino Oblast.\r\nArchival institutions came under the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs in November 1938. The Historical Archives of Stalino Oblast were renamed into the Archives of Stalino Oblast in the City of Stalino, Artemivsk State Historical Archives — into the Archives of Stalino Oblast in the City of Artemivsk, and the Mariupol State Historical Archives — into the Archives of Stalino Oblast in the City of Mariupol according to the Decree of the Main Archival Administration under the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the USSR of November 25 1938.\r\nPart of the archival funds was evacuated during the World War II. Funds returned after evacuation from the Artemivsk and Mariupol Archives were transferred on preservation to the Archives of Stalino Oblast in the City of Stalino. The Artemivsk and Mariupol Archives were liquidated.\r\nThe Archives were renamed into the State Archives of Stalino Oblast in 1958. The Oblast archival institutions came under the Oblast Council of Worker\" Deputies Executive Committee in June 1960.\r\nThe city of Stalino was renamed into Donetsk in November 1961. Thereby the State Archives of Stalino Oblast became the State Archives of Donetsk Oblast in 1980 and have the same name in our days. "@eng . . . _:Bfe620c05da095cd55d8e0cda1e7a1825 . . . . . "06272 2-52-05" . . . . . . . . "Державний архів Донецької області " . . "archive_dn@arch.gov.ua" . _:Bfe620c05da095cd55d8e0cda1e7a1825 "see http://dn.archives.gov.ua/normativ_eng.htm\r\n\r\nSince the spring of 2014, when the Russian Federation lawlessly annexed the Crimean peninsula, and inspired and supported separatist movements in Ukraine’s Donetsk and Luhansk regions, the State Archive of Donetsk Oblast today is not anymore under Ukrainian administrative control and legislation. As the international community did not recognize these transformations, this repository is presented in the EHRI Database in the status it had before the events of 2014, i.e. under the Ukrainian archival system. "@eng . _:Bfe620c05da095cd55d8e0cda1e7a1825 .