_:Bb8e49826d9c18e3d4cebb0df2a3eb89d "\"Tkuma\" Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies " . _:Bb8e49826d9c18e3d4cebb0df2a3eb89d "Ukrainskyi institut vyvchennya Holokostu \"Tkuma\" " . _:Bb8e49826d9c18e3d4cebb0df2a3eb89d . _:B4a79dca70dbb2c1d8407c556cb076a38 "4 Sholom-Aleichem Str., Aşgabat" . _:B4a79dca70dbb2c1d8407c556cb076a38 . _:B4a79dca70dbb2c1d8407c556cb076a38 "49000"^^ . _:B4a79dca70dbb2c1d8407c556cb076a38 "Dnipropetrovsk oblast" . _:B4a79dca70dbb2c1d8407c556cb076a38 . _:B4a79dca70dbb2c1d8407c556cb076a38 . _:B4a79dca70dbb2c1d8407c556cb076a38 . _:B5d988ce172002f94901272d272b0ae4c . "38 (056) 717-70-17" . _:B4a79dca70dbb2c1d8407c556cb076a38 . "38 (056) 717-70-17" . . _:Bb8e49826d9c18e3d4cebb0df2a3eb89d . "As a research center for Holocaust studies, “Tkuma” conducts international scholar conferences, publishes scientific literature (monographs, scholarly journals, collections of documents and memoirs etc.), and provides important research projects.\r\nThe most important “Tkuma” research topic is the phenomenon of Righteous Among the Nations, who were saving Jews from Nazi genocide, risking their own lives and the lives of their families. Studying the mechanism of the Nazi “final solution of Jewish question” in occupied Ukraine, problems of international relations during the Second World War, resistance to the Nazi genocide, etc. hold important place in “Tkuma” research work. A large international scientific conference on Righteous Among the Nations is planned by “Tkuma” on 2014.\r\nAmong the scientific publications, prepared by “Tkuma” Institute there are issues of scholarly journal “Holocaust studies” (№ 6) and collections of memoirs “Memory Revival” (№ 5), collective monograph on the history of the Holocaust in Ukraine, research of the regional aspects of the Holocaust in the Odessa region, Bucovina etc.\r\n\r\n“Tkuma” Institute has a great experience of educational work with teachers, pupils and students. System of seminars on training courses for teachers was organized together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and regional institutes of postgraduate pedagogical education. “Tkuma” has unique experience in textbooks creating. School history textbooks, prepared by “Tkuma” staff, won All-Ukrainian State competitions and the hundreds of thousands of copies were published; every third schoolchild in Ukraine studies by this textbooks."@eng . . "Український інститут вивчення Голокосту «Ткума» " . . "The history of “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies creation goes back to 1999. At that time “Tkuma” Scholarly-Educational Center (“Revival”) was registered; it was the first national center for studying and teaching the history of Ukraine’s Jews and the Holocaust. “Tkuma” is widely known in Ukraine and abroad due to published scientific monographs and textbooks, conducted scientific conferences and educational seminars, devoted to Jewish history in Ukraine, the Holocaust, the problems of international relations etc.\r\nAn important achievement of “Tkuma” is the creation of the Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine”. The date of the official opening ceremony of the Museum was the 16th of October 2012. This date matches the reorganization of “Tkuma” Center into “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies.\r\n"@eng . "tkuma@tkuma.com" . _:B5d988ce172002f94901272d272b0ae4c "Український інститут вивчення Голокосту «Ткума» " . _:B5d988ce172002f94901272d272b0ae4c .