_:B9750b9b9a777c1bf8f8ef73831e8290f "Panenská 4, Thessaloniki" . _:B9750b9b9a777c1bf8f8ef73831e8290f . _:B9750b9b9a777c1bf8f8ef73831e8290f "48.14743, 17.10234" . _:B9750b9b9a777c1bf8f8ef73831e8290f "811 03" . _:B9750b9b9a777c1bf8f8ef73831e8290f . _:B9750b9b9a777c1bf8f8ef73831e8290f . _:B9750b9b9a777c1bf8f8ef73831e8290f . _:Bccf5fbf5813a891e607c29d9013ad36d "Holocaust Documentation Center focuses on research as well as the dissemination of knowledge about the Holocaust. Besides that the Center disseminates the knowledge about the Jewish minority and its place in Slovak society.\r\nActivities of the HDC can be divided into following categories: Research and Documentation; Training and consulting; Publishing; Organizing of remembrance venues; Networking (professionals and activists); Cooperation with the public and the media."@eng . _:Bccf5fbf5813a891e607c29d9013ad36d . "Dokumentačné stredisko holokaustu" . . _:Bdec4a1282ad99c901de6b0d2012c6f19 . . "Civic association Holocaust Documentation Center (HDC) is a partner organization of the Central Union of Jewish Religious Communities in Slovakia. It was founded in 2005. Through its activities HDC builds on the concept of the eponymous project that in the years 1999 - 2005 was jointly implemented by Milan Šimečka Foundation and the Jewish community in Bratislava. In 2015 the Holocaust Documentation Center became partner of the EHRI."@eng . "Professional researchers should contact the HDC prior to visiting it and consult the details of their research project and needs."@eng . _:Bfb85d10403a9087b39a2e9ae71cb874c . _:B9750b9b9a777c1bf8f8ef73831e8290f . "dsh@holokaust.sk" . "+421 918 477 984" . _:Bccf5fbf5813a891e607c29d9013ad36d . . . _:Bdec4a1282ad99c901de6b0d2012c6f19 "Dokumentačné stredisko holokaustu" . _:Bdec4a1282ad99c901de6b0d2012c6f19 . _:Bfb85d10403a9087b39a2e9ae71cb874c "Holocaust Documentation Center" . _:Bfb85d10403a9087b39a2e9ae71cb874c .