Štátny archív v Trenčíne

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/institutions/sk-003286 an entity of type: CorporateBody

Štátny archív v Trenčíne 
The State Archive in Trenčín is a part of the network of state archives with regional territorial competence, the founder of which is the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic. It is a professional workplace through which the Ministry carries out state administration in the field of archives and registries in the territory of several districts.  @eng
+421 32 652 22 81 
+421 32 651 74 22 

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State Archive in Bratislava: the Trenčín branch (until 2015) 
Štátny archív v Bratislave - pobočka Trenčín (until 2015) 
Štátny archív v Trenčíne 
State Archive in Trenčín 

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