_:B7046c23c640a06f5446c88eb56a9f816 "Государственный архив Смоленской области" . _:B7046c23c640a06f5446c88eb56a9f816 . "Государственный архив Смоленской области" . "Archive provides reproduction services. "@eng . . . _:B20eb85aff29000ccee4987ce1fcd2820 . "Archive hold documents on economical, political and cultural history of Smolensk Oblast (Gubernya) between the years 1626 and 2008. \r\n\r\nArchive holds 4928 Research Groups. \r\n\r\nDocuments from the pre-revolutionary period \r\nare reffering to the agricultural history of the region, peasant communities, social and agricultural reform of 1861, local industry. \r\n\r\nOne of the oldest and most valuable documents of the archives are referring to the Great Peasant Uprising of Emilian Pugachev, birth registers, orthodox churches, Napoleon War of 1812, medical data, education institutions, and activities of various cultural figures from XVI, XVII and XVIII century. \r\n\r\nDocuments from Soviet period contain data of local goverenment, social cultural and educational authorities and institutions. Archive contains documents of the history of industrial development of the region and collectivization in the soviet times. beginning from nationalization of the private industry after the revolution. \r\n \r\nSeparate Research Groups are holding documents referring to the history of the Second World War. \r\n\r\nArchive holds also large collection of the photos documenting different dimensions of life in the region in the Soviet period. "@eng . _:Bad8a8d1d7118e7bacd2ff967b8d91c6d . "smolenskarhiv@yandex.ru" . _:B7046c23c640a06f5446c88eb56a9f816 . . . . . . . "Archive holds documents on economical, political and cultural history of Smolensk Oblast (Gubernia) between the years 1626 and 2008. \r\n "@eng . . . . . . "The archive was established as the Smolensk Gubernial Archive in 1919. In 1929 it was renamed Western Oblast Archive and in 1937 Smolensk Oblast Archive. In 1941 after unification with the Archive of the October Revolution it became the State Archive of the Smolensk Oblast. "@eng . "(4812) 38-65-60 " . . . . . . . . . . _:Bad8a8d1d7118e7bacd2ff967b8d91c6d "State Archive of Smolensk Oblast" . _:Bad8a8d1d7118e7bacd2ff967b8d91c6d "Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Smolenskoy oblasti " . _:Bad8a8d1d7118e7bacd2ff967b8d91c6d . _:B20eb85aff29000ccee4987ce1fcd2820 "Nakhimova 29 b, Bruxelles / Brussel" . _:B20eb85aff29000ccee4987ce1fcd2820 . _:B20eb85aff29000ccee4987ce1fcd2820 "214000"^^ . _:B20eb85aff29000ccee4987ce1fcd2820 "Smolensk oblast" . _:B20eb85aff29000ccee4987ce1fcd2820 . _:B20eb85aff29000ccee4987ce1fcd2820 . _:B20eb85aff29000ccee4987ce1fcd2820 .