_:B26ecd3e28bc2e7ac77fe42dc03a9c4f0 "ul. Bolshaya Pirogovskaya 17; ul. Berezhkovskoya 26, Plasy" . _:B26ecd3e28bc2e7ac77fe42dc03a9c4f0 . _:B26ecd3e28bc2e7ac77fe42dc03a9c4f0 "119435"^^ . _:B26ecd3e28bc2e7ac77fe42dc03a9c4f0 "Moscow" . _:B26ecd3e28bc2e7ac77fe42dc03a9c4f0 . _:B26ecd3e28bc2e7ac77fe42dc03a9c4f0 . _:B26ecd3e28bc2e7ac77fe42dc03a9c4f0 . _:B8f53ab76b51a160633d0e1f5bf9ab8e8 "The Archive is operating on the basis of the following laws: \r\n\r\n- Federal law on archival work in Russian Federation \r\n\r\n - Federal law 'On the order of considering of inquiries of the citizens of Russian Federation' \r\n\r\n- Laws of organization, preservation, acquisition, registration and usage of documents of the Russian Federation archival resource \r\n\r\n- Statute of the State Archive of Russian Federation. \r\n\r\nAll of the documents are accessible online at: \r\n\r\nhttp://www.statearchive.ru/385"@eng . _:B8f53ab76b51a160633d0e1f5bf9ab8e8 . _:B786bd11cb3bfea652c56902601e9853f "Государственный архив Российской Федерации (ГАРФ) " . _:B786bd11cb3bfea652c56902601e9853f . _:B761d05be03ac2cb153d839cc69ddf307 "GARF" . _:B761d05be03ac2cb153d839cc69ddf307 . _:Bc8f0737e18f375e83f37465fe3ef1060 "State Archives of the Russian Federation" . _:Bc8f0737e18f375e83f37465fe3ef1060 "Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Rossiiskoy Federatsyi (GARF)" . _:Bc8f0737e18f375e83f37465fe3ef1060 . . "Sate Archive of the Russian Federation (GARF) was established on 28 April 1992, by unification of the Central State Archive of the October Revolution and Central State Archive of the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic. \r\n\r\nDocuments of the soviet period started to be collected from 1920, by the newly established State Archive of the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic. In 1925, the archive was reorganized into a new institution: Archive of the October Revolution (from 1931: Central Archive of the October Revolution, from 1938: Central State Archive of the October Revolution, and from 1941: Central Archive of the October Revolution and of Building of Socialism). \r\n\r\nThe Archive was active, although under different names, during the whole of the Soviet period. \r\n\r\nIn 1957, the Central State Archive of the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic was established. \r\n\r\nBoth archives were united into the newly founded GARF in 1992. \r\n\r\n"@eng . _:B8f53ab76b51a160633d0e1f5bf9ab8e8 . . . _:B761d05be03ac2cb153d839cc69ddf307 . . . "In order to work in the Reading Room of the Archive, researchers are expected to send information about themselves and their goals of their research in advance. While coming to the archive, researchers need to be in possession of documents confirming their identity. "@eng . "095-245-12-87" . . . . . . _:B786bd11cb3bfea652c56902601e9853f . "The Archive contains documents of the higher state institutions from the Soviet period, as well as collections of the documents created by major institutions in the tsarist times (the oldest documents date from XVII century, but the bulk of them is from the XIX and beginning of the XX century), as well as the documents of major Russian political movements who were active directly before the October Revolution. \r\n\r\nIt also contains restitution- and/or compensation-related materials: the State Archive holds files of Russia's Forced Labor Fund (German Foundation, EVZ); it is currently a closed program: files will not be available for use until the processing activities have been completed there. \r\n\r\n"@eng . "Государственный архив Российской Федерации (ГАРФ) " . . _:Bc8f0737e18f375e83f37465fe3ef1060 . . "The Archive contains major documents from the history of the tsarist Russia and Soviet Union. "@eng . . "095-245-81-41; (499) 245-12-87 [Director]; (495) 580-87-85" . . . "garf@statearchive.ru" . _:B26ecd3e28bc2e7ac77fe42dc03a9c4f0 .