_:B71cc843c6ac7277be32adb0cbd79009f "Историјски архив Суботица" . _:B71cc843c6ac7277be32adb0cbd79009f . _:B1b308c951a605277e0f2c265ee0e9384 "Istorijski arhiv Subotica" . _:B1b308c951a605277e0f2c265ee0e9384 "Historical Archives Subotica" . _:B1b308c951a605277e0f2c265ee0e9384 . _:B50f7ef8a4bc82ceadf337a6b24e6b1b5 "Архивско подручје (Archival area, Arhivsko područje) 1946-1949" . _:B50f7ef8a4bc82ceadf337a6b24e6b1b5 "Архивско средиште (Archival center, Arhivski centar) 1949-1952" . _:B50f7ef8a4bc82ceadf337a6b24e6b1b5 "Градска државна архива Суботица (City State Archives Subotica, Gradska državna arhiva Subotica) 1952-1956" . _:B50f7ef8a4bc82ceadf337a6b24e6b1b5 "Историјске архив Суботица (Historical Archives Subotica, Istorijski arhiv Subotica) 1956" . _:B50f7ef8a4bc82ceadf337a6b24e6b1b5 . _:B3160e39a952b367b689b8d4652b70a3a "Trg Slobode 1/III, Murska Sobota" . _:B3160e39a952b367b689b8d4652b70a3a . _:B3160e39a952b367b689b8d4652b70a3a "46.0995599, 19.66471" . _:B3160e39a952b367b689b8d4652b70a3a "Vojvodina" . _:B3160e39a952b367b689b8d4652b70a3a . _:B3160e39a952b367b689b8d4652b70a3a . _:B3160e39a952b367b689b8d4652b70a3a . . "info@suarhiv.co.rs" . "The historical archives of Subotica is a cultural institution engaged in activities concerning the protection of archival materials and active records on the municipal territory of Subotica, Bachka Topola and Mali Idjos.\r\n\r\nSince it became active initially as an archival area, The Archives transformed into an institution that holds 484 fonds and collections which contains 6 535, 77 shelf meters of archival materials.\r\n\r\nSo far, the institution developed and prospered and together with the increase of storage and working space, the expertise among the archives personnel has grown. Today it continues to develop following the contemporary archival tendencies, according to the rules and regulations."@eng . "+381 24 524 033" . _:B71cc843c6ac7277be32adb0cbd79009f . _:B50f7ef8a4bc82ceadf337a6b24e6b1b5 . "Историјски архив Суботица" . _:B3160e39a952b367b689b8d4652b70a3a . . . _:B1b308c951a605277e0f2c265ee0e9384 .