Institutul de Istorie Orală Cluj-Napoca an entity of type: CorporateBody

Institutul de Istorie Orală Cluj-Napoca 
The Institute of Oral History in Cluj Napoca has developed several oral history projects over the last 25 years, dealing with the following topics: holocaust in northwestern Transylvania, World War II, anti-communist resistance in Romania, ethnic and religious minorities, everyday life under communism , the 1989 revolution, the war in Afghanistan, gold mining etc. There have been several projects on oral history regarding the Holocaust. -project"Holocaust of the Jews in Northwest Transylvania between Memory and History. Oral History Researc", funded between 2006 and 2008. Its aim was to work through the traumatic memory of the Holocaust among both survivors and eyewitnesses of the deportation of the Jews in the summer of 1944. Oral history interviews were conducted with survivors, their descendants, and other direct witnesses.  

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