_:Bd1281ab83cfa21371b2f72b9c708dc96 "ul. Wiejska 4/6/8, Zaporizhzhya" . _:Bd1281ab83cfa21371b2f72b9c708dc96 . _:Bd1281ab83cfa21371b2f72b9c708dc96 "52.2247005, 21.0276392" . _:Bd1281ab83cfa21371b2f72b9c708dc96 "00-902" . _:Bd1281ab83cfa21371b2f72b9c708dc96 "województwo mazowieckie" . _:Bd1281ab83cfa21371b2f72b9c708dc96 . _:Bd1281ab83cfa21371b2f72b9c708dc96 . _:Bd1281ab83cfa21371b2f72b9c708dc96 . "biblioteka@sejm.gov.pl" . . . _:Bd1281ab83cfa21371b2f72b9c708dc96 . "(22) 694-24-29" . "(22) 694-17-78" . _:Be7400dc1d5870d26e82e4f8a2d996a8a . . "The Sejm Library possesses 526 241 volumes (as for December 31, 2013) in two separate collections. The first collection (the main holdings) consists of volumes connected with a principal role in the Parliament. The second is the collection of books of the Polish Left Archive (Archiwum Lewicy Polskiej, earlier: the Central Archive of the Central Comittee of Polish Communist Party: Centralne Archiwum KC PZPR). It was included to the holdings of the Sejm Library in 1991. It is preserved and accessed in the Department of the Social History Collection. The Sejm Library gathers the following categories of holdings: Polish and foreign law literature (books and periodicals), Polish and foreign parliamentary publications and office documents of EU, publications of international organizations, the old prints (so-called: the Parliament constitutions and Parliament speeches), archival records, and museum exhibits."@eng . "The Sejm Library came into existence in 1919. This is an institution, which has double parallel tasks as the library and the archive of Polish Parliament. The significant part of collection was burned in a fire of the Sejm's building in 1939. The surviving part of the holdings was carried away by German to Berlin and get lost in unknown cicumstances. Only a small part of collection, which was preserved in the Czech castle Housce, returned to Poland. "@eng . "Biblioteka Sejmowa w Warszawie" . _:B022b6290f5da00528adacd823d960ec2 . _:Be7400dc1d5870d26e82e4f8a2d996a8a "Sejm Library" . _:Be7400dc1d5870d26e82e4f8a2d996a8a . _:B022b6290f5da00528adacd823d960ec2 "Biblioteka Sejmowa w Warszawie" . _:B022b6290f5da00528adacd823d960ec2 .